- 40 x 7,5 x 7,5 cm
- 0,750 kg
- Firemill Original
*carbon dioxide catridge not included
This is how Firemill works

An ordinary carbon dioxide cylinder

Practice makes perfect

Firefighting with a twist
"We think that having a Firemill in a kitchen should be as obvious as to have a helmet for cyclists. Not because fires are common (neither are injuries while cycling), but because it can be catastrophic when it occurs, if you are not well equipped."- Andreas Westberg Inventor Firemill
The fire extinguisher should be placed where everyone knows where it is and where it is close at hand. Preferably near the front door, so that the “escape route” is clear.
You can also keep it in a toilet, where you often spend time and have nothing to do. If the fire extinguisher is positioned so that the instructions can be read, many people will read them often.
Of course, it should also be close at hand where the fire starts, which is usually in the kitchen.
One of the advantages of Firemill is that it is small and stylish and can easily be placed in the kitchen. However, you should also have a powder extinguisher for major fires. This can then be placed in the hallway or in a nearby toilet.
Everyone should have a 6 kg dry powder extinguisher at home. It is a formidable extinguishing agent that can put out or significantly delay large fires in the home, as long as you get close enough to use it. If possible, it should always be aimed at the source of the fire, but if this is not possible, it may be useful to simply inject powder through the door gap and close the door. Be very careful opening the door to a smoke-filled room though, it could lead to a smoke gas explosion.
However, for small fires that have not caused any major damage, a Firemill can be an excellent alternative, as it extinguishes most materials during an early extinguishing effort, and is never dangerous or destroys anything when using it.
It can therefore be good to supplement your 6 kg powder extinguisher with a Firemill, and perhaps also a fire blanket.
Also, don’t forget to have fire alarms with fresh batteries, so that you discover the fire in time!
Time is the most important factor in saving lives and reducing damage in the event of a fire.
Many countries have laws about fire extinguishers in the home. In other cuntries it is recommend that you have a 6 kg powder extinguisher in the home, preferably supplemented with a fire blanket in the kitchen. As a complement or alternative to the fire blanket, you can have Firemill. With the Firemill close at hand, you can often put out the fire before it grows and causes damage. You can even eat what you’ve put out, if you want to. Not even a fire blanket kan handle that.
What type of fire extinguisher you should have depends on the environment. Powder extinguishers are always the most effective and versatile. However, it causes great damage as the powder spreads and destroys. Foam is also a very versatile and good extinguishing agent, but the extinguisher must be protected from frost, or have antifreeze in the water. Carbon dioxide is the cleanest extinguishing agent. It is generally the safest both in case of fire in liquids and electricity, but it has poorer extinguishing ability and less protection against re-ignition.
In a car or boat, the powder extinguisher is always needed to put out an engine fire. Then a 2 kg fire extinguisher is often used, which is easy to mount near the engine compartment.
In the home, a 6 kg powder extinguisher is always recommended, preferably placed in the hall.
For quick action against a fire in the kitchen, a fire blanket is generally recommended. Then Firemill might be a better option. Both because it can be perceived as prettier and more “fit” in the kitchen. Firemill also uses carbon dioxide, which is completely clean. This also makes it possible to practice with it, even in the kitchen. This way everyone in your home is well prepared in the event of a fire. After practice you can easily and cheaply fill it up.
In the boat, motorhome or caravan, the stove often has an open flame, and then a Firemill placed nearby can be of great benefit and avoid damage from powder in the event of a minor kitchen fire. It can mean the difference between a continued enjoyable dinner ore an interrupted holiday.
When there is a fire in a place where it shouldn’t be one. But then it’s too late to get a fire extinguisher. The Firemill is a stylish, simple and refillable fire extinguisher that you can practice with regularly and refill so that you are always ready for a quick intervention if a fire starts. Before it gets out of hand.
Most manufacturers recommend that a fire extinguisher be replaced or serviced within 10 years from the date of manufacture, which is printed on the extinguisher. Powder extinguishers should be turned upside down once a year so that the powder is not packed too tightly. You must also check the manometer (pressure gauge) that it shows green.
With the Firemill you can practice yourself from time to time, preferably once a year, then you change the gas tube easily and cheaply and you have a “new” fire extinguisher for another year.
In a boat, the powder extinguisher is always needed to put out an engine fire. Then a 2 kg fire extinguisher is often used, which is easy to mount near the engine compartment.
In the boat, the stove often has an open flame and then a Firemill placed nearby can be of great benefit and you can avoid damage from powder in the event of a small kitchen fire. A well-placed Firemill can be the difference between a continued enjoyable dinner and an interrupted vacation.
In general, a powder extinguisher is always recommended. In a caravan, a 2 kg can be suitable as it is small and easy to place.
In the caravan, the stove often has an open flame and then a Firemill placed nearby can be of great benefit and avoid damage from a powder extinguisher in the event of a small kitchen fire. A well-placed Firemill can be the difference between a continued enjoyable dinner and an interrupted vacation.
In a mobile home, the powder extinguisher is always needed to put out an engine fire. Then a 2 kg powder extinguisher is often used, which is easy to mount near the engine compartment.
In the motor home, the stove often has an open flame, and then a Firemill placed nearby can be of great benefit and avoid damage from powder in the event of a small kitchen fire. A well-placed Firemill can be the difference between a continued enjoyable dinner and an interrupted vacation.
In a car, the powder extinguisher is always needed to have a chance to put out an engine fire. Then a 2 kg powder extinguisher is often used, which is easy to mount and easily accessible.
But if you weld or do other work on your car that could start a small fire, you might not want to start the powder extinguisher, which can cause damage to both the engine and the interior. A carbon dioxide extinguisher may then be a better alternative. A Firemill, which is a small carbon dioxide extinguisher, nearby can give you an opportunity to quickly stop a small fire from developing and doing more damage. Firemill does not damage electronics or other parts of the car.
PFAS is a large group of substances that, among other things, can contribute to making the foam in the foam extinguisher more “durable” and in that way improve the extinguishing properties of foam extinguishers.
Since PFAS is not only toxic but also very stable and does not break down in nature, the EU has plans to completely ban it. Therefore, the manufacturers of fire extinguishers are phasing it out of their production. If you have an older foam extinguisher, it is likely to contain PFAS. However, you can safely keep it until it “expires” if you need to use it, the substances do spread in nature, but these are small amounts. When you then replace the fire extinguisher, you should ensure that it is cared for adequately. If, however, you are going to buy a new foam extinguisher, you should make sure that it does not contain PFAS.
Firemill, which is a very small fire extinguisher for early intervention, contains only food-grade carbon dioxide. Firemill is thus completely harmless to both the environment and health. You can even eat what you put out if you wanted to.
Once you’ve pulled the sprint and triggered your fire extinguisher, it absolutely must be replaced or reloaded, no matter how little you used it! You cannot do this yourself, it must be braught to the supplier. As far as we know, there is no longer anyone who recharges fire extinguishers as it would be more expensive than buying a new one. So your fire extinguisher is effectively a disposable product.
Firemill, on the other hand, you can use again and again. You simply replace the gas tube at your nearest dealer. That, together with the fact that carbon dioxide is completely clean and does not pollute at all, also means that you can actually practice with it even at home in the kitchen, so everyone in the family feels completely safe with how it works.
No, a fire extinguisher can in practice not explode. All fire extinguishers (even the carbon dioxide tube in Firemill) have a pressure relief valve that releases the pressure if it gets too high, (mainly during heating)
However, all pressure vessels should be protected from excessively high temperatures for that very reason.
All pressure vessels can also “explode” if they are damaged by external violence, as the overpressure can suddenly blow out through the hole caused by the damage and then cause an explosion-like effect.
In a working machine, the powder extinguisher is always needed to have a chance to put out an engine fire. Then preferably a 6 kg fire extinguisher if it is possible to mount it easily accessible.
But if you are welding or doing other work on your machine that could start a small fire, you may not want to activate the powder extinguisher, which could cause damage to the machine. Then carbon dioxide extinguishers can be a better alternative as it neither damages electronics nor the machine and also makes it excellent to use on fires in oil or petrol. The Firemill is a very small carbon extinguisher. With its design, it is mostly intended for the home, and it probably has no place in this context.
With all fire extinguishers, regardless of type and size, it is important to get as close to the source of the fire as possible and spray the extinguishing agent there.
Then different extinguishers can have different types of release mechanism, but basically you pull a pin and push in some kind of valve. The beauty of the Firemill is that you just turn the “bottom” almost like a pepper mill. In addition, you can try to do this without destroying the fire extinguisher (or the kitchen), which means that you are well prepared in case of a fire. It obviously shortens the time to extinguish, and the sooner you start extinguishing the greater chance of success and less damage from the fire.
There are basically four types of fire extinguishers:
1 Water: in bucket in a water hose or in a pressure container like a fire extinguisher. Best suited for fires in solid materials, such as wood and paper, etc. However, possibly dangerous to use on burning liquids and electrical equipment.
2 Foam: i.e. water with an additive that forms foam. This increases the extinguishing capacity significantly and allows it to be used against fire in liquid and also electrical equipment, although caution is usually recommended then. Foam is a versatile and safe extinguishing agent, but sometimes contains environmentally harmful substances and, of course, dirty. Sold in everything from small spray bottles to large fire extinguishers. May be sensitive to frost if it does not contain antifreeze.
3 Powder: Perhaps the most common, most effective and most versatile extinguishing agent. The powder often consists of sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate, i.e. baking powder. It decomposes into carbon dioxide, water and sodium carbonate while absorbing heat. It cools the fire while displacing the oxygen. The powder can also settle on the hearth of the fire and thus suffocate the fire. The disadvantage is that the powder penetrates everywhere and is very difficult to remove. Cleaning up after a powder fire can take days and some things may not be salvageable. It can render a car completely unusable, and insurance companies often redeem the car after a powder firefight. In the case of a larger fire, this is of course of no consequence, but in the case of a small fire, putting it out can do more harm than good.
4 Carbon dioxide: the pure extinguishing agent. The carbon dioxide works by cooling the fire and displacing the oxygen. However, it cannot always completely extinguish fires in solid materials, which may continue to glow. Carbon dioxide, on the other hand, can be used without danger on liquids and electronics and electrical products. The carbonic acid cannot cause any damage except possibly frostbite. The carbon dioxide is completely clean, environmentally friendly and harmless to the environment. No cleanup is needed.
Firemill is a small carbon dioxide extinguisher for early intervention in the home. With practice and central location, we hope you will be able to extinguish the fire before it has time to cause damage. You never have to hesitate to use your Firemill, the worst that can happen is that you can’t put out the fire as you hoped, and then you have to resort to one of the more effective extinguishing agents above, perhaps primarily powder.